I miss playing

I miss playing

Nostalgia. This word reminds us of the joyful introductions we feel when we are involved in something in the present that we like to do in the past. The game is no different. Everyone has a game that brings back memories of what we now see as a better time. Bums are like arrogant people who show what you can do. The opposite says that our childhood might not be as bad as we thought. As adults, we know how the world works. When we grow up, we never really capture the world. Our donkey tells us that it's better, safer and less complicated now. Games that are driven by nostalgia put us back in the mind of a child. We feel safe and protected. Naturally, people tend to want security and protection. Especially adults, because as adults we know how quickly the world can change from day to day. As gamers, we look for security in the game.

I started playing at a young age, like most players my age. I grew up with my mother and sister with Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. Super Mario, Kirby and Mario Cart are some of the titles we play. Zelda is probably the biggest game we play. My mother has problems with fast-moving games like Call of Duty and other highly graphic games. So we played Super Nintendo and how long! Super Nintendos Zelda has won many times. I said "we", but my mother did not play me or my sister. Even when I think about it when I write it, I feel nostalgic. We got closer to the end and then the match erased our safety so we started three times. There are pleasant times. I was around six or seven or eight years old at the time. A long time ago. Nostalgia gives us hope for the future. This tells us that if good times have happened in the past, better times will occur in the future.

I then started playing alone. It's hard to determine which games will come next in chronological order, but everyone has one topic: a single player strategy. Comprehensive game description that can include many games. Games like Pharaoh and Cleopatra, Age of Empires II and of course Sid Meyers Civilization III. I am not allowed to play shooters because they have bad language and are therefore limited to single player games. My parents are very protective and the game is not as popular as it was twenty years ago like now. Pharaoh is a city builder who takes you to ancient Egypt. The aim of the game is to build big cities with available resources, and this is a long enough challenge for eleven years old children. Age of Empires II is a real-time strategy game completely different from Pharaoh. You need to balance resource gathering and troop production to bring out AI or other players. Civ III is probably my favorite adult game. I still play Pharaoh and the Second Imperial Age.

Think nostalgia again in a second. It is a feeling that comes from memory. Memories of "better times" that may or may not be appropriate. Games that we have been playing for a long time and that revive memories may no longer be fun. Civ III I played hundreds of hours when I was young. Now it's not very fun because I'm older, so I don't play it often. Sometimes the lies are nostalgic.

In short, nostalgia games are a good thing. This allows us to experience parts of our childhood for which we have no reason to return from the depths of our minds. Many people say that video games lead to anti-social behavior, violence and a decline in school grades. Video games teach us what the world is like. When you play multiplayer in the game, you'll usually find people who are just poisonous. He is preparing to face the worst society to come. People are vulnerable to violence. The first murder occurred when Cain killed Abel in Genesis. I'm sure they didn't have video games at the time. So this point will always be controversial. The only thing that really made sense was a decline in school grades. Working in a video game school requires a lot of discipline. That builds up the character of this discipline. The next time you feel nostalgic, take a moment to stop and smell his memory. Enjoy the thought of better times and hope that good times will come no matter what the world tells you. This teaches us nostalgia for video games.