What is beauty??
Beauty is not deep in the skin. That is the attitude that separates beauty from the crowd. "Seeing the beauty of the world is the first step in purifying the mind." A woman's beauty is not in her clothes, the figure she wears, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because this is the door to her heart, a place of love. A woman's true beauty is reflected in her soul. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is happy has a kind of beauty, whatever she wears. All beautiful women regardless of their appearance. You only need to touch her soul with respect and gratitude for her inner beauty and you will be rewarded with joy. The heart is far more important than the package.
I love the beauty of nature and I think that's your best performance, but I think makeup as an artist is very transformative. I would never want to support honesty creams. I believe in the beauty of nature.
True beauty cannot shine through makeup. Many of us can't even imagine life without makeup. Sounds strange and even frightening to many girls, thanks to media advertisements for unrealistic beauty standards. Be beautiful without makeup ?! Is that possible ?!
For many of us, it would be very stupid to go to the supermarket without makeup.
The media often forces us to assume that a woman without make-up cannot look attractive or beautiful.
If someone wants to live a life without makeup or at least spend days without makeup, it makes sense to care a little more for the natural beauty of your face, hair and body.
1) Feel beautiful (even without makeup)
Yes, the first step towards natural beauty without makeup is related to your inner perception of yourself - your self-image. If a girl thinks she is beautiful and can accept herself fully and unconditionally, the whole world will feel the same about her. Yes, that simple!
However, if you don't feel comfortable and safe without makeup, try gradually adjusting the new "natural" image.
2) Your skin is everything!
If you choose to live without makeup, that doesn't mean you have to fully approve all skin care products. Many skin problems are actually related to excessive use of makeup; The skin color becomes uneven due to your body's reaction to foundation, concealer or blush. If skin problems persist, contact a dermatologist. It's better to deal with the problem immediately than to put it in the waiting box. Some other tips for your skin beauty are: use facial masks 2 or 3 times a week (choose a mask according to your skin type) and exfoliate your skin regularly, not to mention exfoliation of the face, exfoliating your entire body.
3) Healthy food and water
Good food is important not only for the beauty of our skin, but also for the health of our body in general.
We are what we eat, so a healthy and balanced diet must be our lifelong loyal friend.
Make sure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables as well as healthy fats and proteins every day. This is very important for our beauty.
And of course our best friend is water! Try to drink about 8 glasses of water a day and treat yourself to green or white tea from time to time, because this is rich in antioxidants and even makes your skin look fresh and young for a very long time without makeup.
4) Smile and love you
A smile will help you feel and look beautiful in person, even if you don't have makeup!
As Audrey Hepburn once said, "The prettiest girl is the happiest!" Smile every time you look in the mirror, smile at the people you see on the street, and generally make a smile as your favorite accessory - you will see the whole world begin to smile at you!
Love yourself Accept yourself fully. Love your appearance with or without makeup because you are truly unique and beautiful! Remember that!
5) What about your hair?
If you want to look beautiful without makeup, it's important to maintain your hair properly and keep your hair color almost natural.
Try to keep your hair in top condition by using the right hair care products that are suitable for your hair type, and do regular mask and oil treatments. Nothing is more beautiful than sparkling silk and curls!
It is our daily ritual to wake up in the morning and wear a "pretty" makeup mask.
In this article, we do not recommend you to let go completely and forget to take care of yourself. Besides that,
How you feel in Everything depends on you. Try to feel good. Yes Now ... know you're beautiful!